9 Apr 2015

An Empty Apartment

That was the sight a few days ago as Angie's mom's truck was filled with all of our things. There was no other time that worked for her to com visit before we leave, so as it was Easter she came for a visit.

An inventory of things we still have left: two office chairs, one computer table, one big comfy chair, a tv, and the basic pots and pans we need for cooking. Aside from that we have a foamy mattress in the living room which serves as our bed and our couch. Aaand that is about it. If it did not feel like we were leaving before, it sure does now.

The past few days have been beautiful weather wise, gorgeous sunny days. Our little planter box on the balcony is in full bloom with the bulbs I planted at Christmas. My sister gets that when we leave, and not a second sooner!

I am on the middle day of three days off, but there has not really been all that much I could do moving out wise, as we have kinda gotten to a point where we are using all the things we still have left, and we cant do the thorough cleaning yet as we still have a few weeks here/.

I think tomorrow I am going to try and do some wandering around some of my favorite spots in Victoria, but I might wait to do that with Angie as that will be more fun. Anyhow, with this warm weather we are having, we might try and do a couple more little adventures around Victoria before we leave, so stay tuned! Also we promise to try to do more posts!!

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