31 Aug 2015

Shinju Matsuri

At the Shinju Matsuri festival that is going all this week. Lots of different events. This was some sort of dance show and markets.

14 Aug 2015

Angie the Sandbender!

A couple nights ago we went down to Cable Beach and had some sunset fun in the dunes!

12 Aug 2015

Off to the Races! Take One...

A few days ago we gotta all dolled up to go to one of the big horse racing events on the Broome Turf Club calendar: Ladies Day. Along with hundreds of others we made our way to the track only to find out that the races had been cancelled! All the events were still running, just with no horse racing...so we went to the beach!

Sinking Sun

Sunset from the dunes behind Cable Beach. Beautiful every day.

9 Aug 2015


Sitting at the beach right now waiting for sunset and having a g+t. Life is good!

8 Aug 2015

A Matso's Afternoon

Angie had the day off today and. Had a good few hours of this afternoon. We went to Matso's for a beer each, ended up having two and got a nice live music show thrown in! 

The view from Matso's is wonderful. Red dirt then green mangroves then blue blue ocean then clear sky. It is gorgeous. And warm. I had a ginger beer and a chile beer and Angie had a big desert lime and ginger cider.

7 Aug 2015

More of Graham's Work

Life is good here in Broome! Lots of work but still plenty of play! Here are some pictures of my work.

New Big Girl in the evening sun.

A pile of swags ready to roll.

800 #1 shining in the sun

A Heritage getting ready for a nine day loop.

800 #1 taking a break

Food shop for a nine day loop.

What's inside a swag: mattress, pillow, pillowcase, and sheet.

Sunny Afternoon

Relaxing at Reddell beach last night. So lovely!

2 Aug 2015


As promised! An octopus! This guy was a bit of a grump...Very cool to see him change color though!

Ooo! What's that!

The past couple of afternoons have seen Angie and I head down near the port in Broome to port Beach at lowww lowww tide to look at all the critters! It is suuuper cool down there.

In addition to all the crabs and fishes there are also dozens of types of corals and all sorts of funny little critters. We have even found a couple of friendly octopuses to play with and today we found a nudibranch!

Many of the things we fnd we have no idea beyond squishy blue dangling thing or some such description. Enjoy! We certainly do!

There are just so many things to look at!! We are going to try to go back another few times in the next couple of days while the tides are still nice and big.